Thursday, October 16, 2008

I've been tagged..

Here are the rules:
1.Post the rules on your blog
2.Write 6 random things about yourself
3.Tag 6 people at the end of your post
4.If you are tagged, just do it, and pass the tag along!

1. I have recently felt my baby move for the first time and I cannot describe how amazing that feeling is!

2. I love to clean and I have the most energy for cleaning right after breakfast in the mornings.

3. Chores I hate doing the most include unloading the dishwasher or folding the laundry and putting it away. I have been sometimes known to leave the dishwasher full and just hand wash the dishes instead of unload it...

4. In high school I was part of the Athenaeum girls school and spent a week of each summer dressed in 1861 period costume (yes, hoop skirt and all..) giving tours of southern plantation homes and reliving/recreating the civil war era.

5. If I lost the pocket calendar that lives in my purse, I'd be lost. If something is not written in it, I will not do it or show up for it.

6. My senior year of high school I was captain of the volleyball team. It was really by default, I was one of 2 seniors and it didn't require athletic ability, thank goodness, or I wouldn't have made the team!

And now I tag Alison, Megan, John, Julie and Jacob...I think those are the only people I know who haven't done it yet!

It's a....

Today was our 20 week ultrasound...and we will be having a healthy, very active baby boy in March! He was asleep for the first part of the ultrasound but once he woke up he was dancing, kicking and moving those little arms all over the place! It all feels so real after seeing him on the video screen. I knew this would feel like the most amazing thing I've ever been a part of but I never knew how much I could love someone I've never met! He's already got me wrapped around his finger! I absolutely cannot wait to meet my son, to see him grow and see him become the man God calls him to be and see him do what the Lord has planned for him. Words canot describe it!! 20 more weeks... :)

Monday, October 06, 2008