This family of birds has given me a whole new appreciation of true comfort. The eggs were laid. The babies were hatched. The mama began the heart wrenching experience of sustaining life. And our birds receive comfort from their life source. And we watch.
And we celebrate them and their little lives and all the things ahead for them. And we are reminded where our true comfort comes from.
"Look at the birds of the sky, they don't sow or reap or gather into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Aren't you worth more than they?" (Matthew 6:26)
That is the hardest part in it? It seems worrying about a choice we want to make or have made seems to be part of our nature. Even if it is God already knows the outcome and either way, He still loves us. That is the part we forget.
We have a robin who has just made a nest in a tree outside my living room window. She flings herself into the glass a lot, not sure why, but I have loved watching her nest take shape. I'm waiting to see little blue eggs...thanks for reminding me of that verse. I will watch the nest and remember it too.
Loved your post...and what a wonderful reminder.
I love to watch the little birds and it always reminds me of the verse in matthew where it says 'why do you worry about what you need?' HE provides all of what the birds need and us too.
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