Friday, March 08, 2013


There's this thing on this blog I follow called Five Minute Friday.  It's been a fun thing to explore and I'm finally mustering the courage to go there, to write for 5 minutes and to see what comes out of it. If you'd like to check out Lisa Jo's blog, you can here:

"When you return to the familiar, the unchanged, you realize just how much you yourself have grown."

Over the years I have returned to the house I grew up in numerous times. My parents have lived there for almost 30 years. It's the first place I found home. Not because of the walls, the familiar cracks in the sidewalks where we rode bikes each night from the warmth of spring to the chills of fall, or the corner room I spent years in as I learned who I was navigating the teen years, but because of the love and the lives that inhabited that house with me.

Now as I'm learning to fly outside of that comfy place of love, I still find myself recalling those familiar moments in that home. And I remember that a home is so much more than the place. It's not confined to a house. Home is that places in my heart where the memories and the familiar live. It's the places where the love and the living and the everyday and special moments reside. Home is big enough for the past and the present and whatever the future holds. Home isn't a place, it's a part of me that goes wherever I go.

I pray that as I raise these little humans, I can instill that home inside them. That they know they can always find the love, the laughter and the comfort of home wherever they are. And they can come back no matter how they have grown and find just that.  Just like I do.


Debra Bacon said...

I really enjoyed your #fiveminutefriday post. Home isn't just a place, as you said. It resides within us. Love that. Thank you for the reminder.

Samantha Livingston said...

Love this Home is big enough for the past and the present and whatever the future holds. Great vision.