First, we're eating cereal/baby food now! Here are some pictures of our dinner time fun..
We've also had our first road trip to celebrate our Aunt Kimberly's graduation from Auburn. He did pretty well in the car, only 2 melt downs- both on the way home and both because he was fighting sleep. We are blessed that he loves his car seat and the car!
We also got around to getting him a high chair. He likes it ok most of the time.. he look like such a big boy!
My favorite milestone thus far has been learning to talk... not just baby 'coos' but really trying to say something! Here is a video I took tonight after he finished his squash...
It's amazing how fast the time has gone.. We're more and more blessed by our little boy everyday!
He is such a big boy now! I love that he is a talker. Can't wait to see ya'll again!
Pretty sure I made out "Waddie" in all of that. What a cutie-pie!
I love Everett's baby talk!! He's got the Dadadas what about the mamamas and nananas? I guess they come next. HA!! Congrats on the wedding anniversary, too. You guys HAVE been through some tough times in four years but you're stronger now because of it!! It's good to see your blog and I hope to keep udpated by it. I haven't posted on ours in awhile but plan to very soon! Miss you guys~
Christy Ghaffari
Just wait, it gets even better!
Needs to be on Funniest Home Videos!! You have a talker on your hands - just wait until he puts real words to it!! His Granna and Pops love him!
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