"When you come to the edge of all the light you have and you must take a step into the darkness of the unknown, believe that one of two things will happen: either you will be given something solid to stand on or you will be taught how to fly." -unknown-
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Santa came to school today and Everett got to meet him. He was relatively unimpressed and only tried to pull his beard (which was very real) twice. He sat with Santa and didn't even cry when mom and dad stepped away to take the picture! I guess we'll have to wait until next year to see if he really likes Santa or not!

Thursday, December 10, 2009
Christmas Time is Here!
2009 is quickly coming to a close.. hard to believe! We've had an eventful month in the Thorington house. Everett is now 9 months old and doing all that comes with it! He's got 3 teeth, the third of which just popped in tonight. He's refused to have anything to do with crawling but loves to walk around holding on to anything he can.. He's beginning to try "big people food" gradually and so far is a fan of green beans but hates sweet potatoes.. Every day we look at him and wonder what has happened to our little baby and when did he become a little boy?! Here's the month in pictures...

Sunday, November 08, 2009
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Halloween and other Fall Fun
It was a quiet Halloween for us! Everett had both sets of grandparents come to him for trick or treating.. he was the cutest little caterpillar and he LOVED his costume. He is now 8 months old, my how time is flying! He's able to pull up on things and has his first tooth! No crawling yet but we are SO close it's scary! Here's our little man..

Saturday, August 22, 2009
After Dinner Conversations and Catching Up
It's been a while since an update so I'll try to get everything in here! Everett will be 6 months old next week... we've hit MANY milestones in the last 2 months!
First, we're eating cereal/baby food now! Here are some pictures of our dinner time fun..

We've also had our first road trip to celebrate our Aunt Kimberly's graduation from Auburn. He did pretty well in the car, only 2 melt downs- both on the way home and both because he was fighting sleep. We are blessed that he loves his car seat and the car!

We also got around to getting him a high chair. He likes it ok most of the time.. he look like such a big boy!

My favorite milestone thus far has been learning to talk... not just baby 'coos' but really trying to say something! Here is a video I took tonight after he finished his squash...
It's amazing how fast the time has gone.. We're more and more blessed by our little boy everyday!
First, we're eating cereal/baby food now! Here are some pictures of our dinner time fun..
We've also had our first road trip to celebrate our Aunt Kimberly's graduation from Auburn. He did pretty well in the car, only 2 melt downs- both on the way home and both because he was fighting sleep. We are blessed that he loves his car seat and the car!
We also got around to getting him a high chair. He likes it ok most of the time.. he look like such a big boy!
My favorite milestone thus far has been learning to talk... not just baby 'coos' but really trying to say something! Here is a video I took tonight after he finished his squash...
It's amazing how fast the time has gone.. We're more and more blessed by our little boy everyday!
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
We've Come A Long Way...
Tomorrow, July 9th, is our 4th Anniversary. We don't have any spectacular plans, just a normal day of life as usual but every year we try to spend some time remembering our story. It's been quite a ride through the years of our marriage.. Here are just some of the highlights:
* We've lived in 2 states, Minnesota for 2 years and TN for 2 years. We moved to MN just 2 weeks after our wedding.
* We've vacationed to opposite ends of the US- Key West, FL and Grand Maris, MN (25 miles from the Canadian border).
* We've joined 2 churches as a married couple- one Methodist & one Baptist. Both places have given us friends that we are so blessed to have and the ones we don't get to see we still miss very much!
* We've moved 4 times in 4 years..our first apartment was on the 21st floor of a high rise in downtown Minneapolis- it was 500 square feet and we survived only because we were newlyweds. :)
* We survived Law School- I say "we" because Jacob did the hard studying and I did the working 3 jobs thing so we could eat..
* We lived apart for a month after law school so Jacob could take a course for the bar in TN and I could finish up the school year teaching in MN.
* We've driven a moving truck over 1000 miles cross country- twice.
* We've managed kill & bury at sea 6 beta fish.. Alvin, Simon, Theodore, Leopold, Fiesty, & Henry Fitzgerald.
* We kept one fish alive- Jazmine is still swimming after 2 years..
* We got a dog- Klondike was our trial for kids.. minus being allergic to everything possible we've done ok with him.
* We've experienced having our first child, Everett Thomas. This is by far our most amazing experience yet.
We've had our ups & downs but I can honestly say I married my soulmate, the man chosen by God to accompany me through this life on earth. After 4 years our lives have gotten busier but I look forward to all the busy, crazy, fun and priceless memories left to be made in our lives. Here's to at least 70 more years...

* We've lived in 2 states, Minnesota for 2 years and TN for 2 years. We moved to MN just 2 weeks after our wedding.
* We've vacationed to opposite ends of the US- Key West, FL and Grand Maris, MN (25 miles from the Canadian border).
* We've joined 2 churches as a married couple- one Methodist & one Baptist. Both places have given us friends that we are so blessed to have and the ones we don't get to see we still miss very much!
* We've moved 4 times in 4 years..our first apartment was on the 21st floor of a high rise in downtown Minneapolis- it was 500 square feet and we survived only because we were newlyweds. :)
* We survived Law School- I say "we" because Jacob did the hard studying and I did the working 3 jobs thing so we could eat..
* We lived apart for a month after law school so Jacob could take a course for the bar in TN and I could finish up the school year teaching in MN.
* We've driven a moving truck over 1000 miles cross country- twice.
* We've managed kill & bury at sea 6 beta fish.. Alvin, Simon, Theodore, Leopold, Fiesty, & Henry Fitzgerald.
* We kept one fish alive- Jazmine is still swimming after 2 years..
* We got a dog- Klondike was our trial for kids.. minus being allergic to everything possible we've done ok with him.
* We've experienced having our first child, Everett Thomas. This is by far our most amazing experience yet.
We've had our ups & downs but I can honestly say I married my soulmate, the man chosen by God to accompany me through this life on earth. After 4 years our lives have gotten busier but I look forward to all the busy, crazy, fun and priceless memories left to be made in our lives. Here's to at least 70 more years...
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Fun in the Sun
Yesterday we went to Everett's GrandDeb and PapaJim's to swim for the first time. He enjoyed it! He wasn't overly impressed with the water but didn't cry or seem frightened. He floated around (with me or dad holding tightly!) in an inflatable duck for a while and just relaxed... Here are some of his chillin' by the pool pictures..

Saturday, June 06, 2009
A week of Milestones
I always heard people say that babies grow right before your eyes but I never though it was literal! Everett is definitely growing and learning daily. This week he moved upstairs to his room and slept all night happy as he could be. I, on the other hand, didn't sleep at all worrying that he would wake up and be scared or would need me and I wouldn't hear him. Despite my fears, he did just fine. He also found his feet this week! He looks at them and thinks it is great fun to splash them in the bath tub. We also have the beginnings of a tooth showing through. It's not hurting him yet, but it's all white and shiny on his gums. It's been quite a week of firsts, all of which seem to push him further and further away from that tiny little baby we met 3 months ago. It's amazing how quickly the time is going by... Here's some recent pictures of our little man!

Monday, May 18, 2009
What A Week...
Everett and I have had quite a last 10 days. Last Monday was my first day back to work after 10 weeks of being a full time mommy. This meant that it was also Everett's first day of school.. (our pediatrician laughed when I said that Everett would be going to school) Fortunately for me, my work and his school are in the same place! I have so much peace knowing he's in the next room and I can walk in to see him whenever I want to! Here we are on our first day of school together.

He's started to adjust. The first few days were kinda rough, but he's learning how to sleep through the noise and play well with others.
At the end of this week of adjustment, we were blessed by visits from all our family for his dedication at church. We are so blessed to be a part of a church family who will help us raise our little boy to be a strong man of God. It was such a special day to share with our church family and our families.
These are all of Everett's great-grandparents..

Here are his grandparents....

His aunts and uncle....

And finally, some of his great aunts and uncles..

Our cute little man ..
He's started to adjust. The first few days were kinda rough, but he's learning how to sleep through the noise and play well with others.
At the end of this week of adjustment, we were blessed by visits from all our family for his dedication at church. We are so blessed to be a part of a church family who will help us raise our little boy to be a strong man of God. It was such a special day to share with our church family and our families.
These are all of Everett's great-grandparents..
Here are his grandparents....
His aunts and uncle....
And finally, some of his great aunts and uncles..
Our cute little man ..
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Rough Day...
Today is one of the days I've been dreading since Everett was born... 2 month shots. As a person who despises needles, I pray Everett gets his Aunt Tara's strength when it comes to medical issues! He was such a trooper! I felt bad because he was in a fabulous mood this morning... laughing and smiling at the doctor, kicking his legs, flailing his arms.. it was adorable! Then in came the nurse... he was smiling when she put the first one in then that huge pouty lip popped out followed by the silent cry (you know, mouth open, face red, no sound) and then the screams began. I cringe even thinking about it! He definitely has his mom's temper (yikes, unbelievable I know) because he continues to not only cry but scream for 5 minutes until I sat down and fed him. It was a little traumatizing for all of us but we survived! Maybe the next rounds will be better...
When we got home Everett was a little fussy so he took a nap on the couch.. Klondike could sense something was not quite right with him because when I rounded the corner from the kitchen this is what I found...

Here are other moments we've captured of our little 11 pound 4 ounce boy!

When we got home Everett was a little fussy so he took a nap on the couch.. Klondike could sense something was not quite right with him because when I rounded the corner from the kitchen this is what I found...
Here are other moments we've captured of our little 11 pound 4 ounce boy!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Outdoor fun
Today we spent the afternoon at the park with friends. It was lots of fun, Everett loves being outside and really loved his cool hat! We also had a first today- He was able to sit in his Bumbo chair by himself! He loved the freedom to sit up and see everything. He's growing up way too fast....

Today is Everett's Uncle Garret's birthday! Happy Birthday, Garret!!
Today is Everett's Uncle Garret's birthday! Happy Birthday, Garret!!
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