Thursday, October 16, 2008

I've been tagged..

Here are the rules:
1.Post the rules on your blog
2.Write 6 random things about yourself
3.Tag 6 people at the end of your post
4.If you are tagged, just do it, and pass the tag along!

1. I have recently felt my baby move for the first time and I cannot describe how amazing that feeling is!

2. I love to clean and I have the most energy for cleaning right after breakfast in the mornings.

3. Chores I hate doing the most include unloading the dishwasher or folding the laundry and putting it away. I have been sometimes known to leave the dishwasher full and just hand wash the dishes instead of unload it...

4. In high school I was part of the Athenaeum girls school and spent a week of each summer dressed in 1861 period costume (yes, hoop skirt and all..) giving tours of southern plantation homes and reliving/recreating the civil war era.

5. If I lost the pocket calendar that lives in my purse, I'd be lost. If something is not written in it, I will not do it or show up for it.

6. My senior year of high school I was captain of the volleyball team. It was really by default, I was one of 2 seniors and it didn't require athletic ability, thank goodness, or I wouldn't have made the team!

And now I tag Alison, Megan, John, Julie and Jacob...I think those are the only people I know who haven't done it yet!

1 comment:

Chloe @ A Creative Call said...

Thanks for playing along. I hate folding laundry too, but thankfully the dishwasher job is Matt's. :)