May was a very busy month for us. We graduated my sister from UT-Chattanooga with her nursing degree, worked on the house, worked in general, went to a good friend's wedding, visited family, and wrapped up May with a trip to Alabama where we spent a relaxing weekend with my cousins, aunt & uncle on the lake. Now it's June and I've suffering from the "summertime blues". I've never had a full time job that went through the summer before and this year I'm feeling it! I've worked during the summer, just always as a camp counselor or babysitting... jobs that let me be outside and enjoy it. This year, I'm in desperate need of a vacation! Don't get me wrong, I love my job, I just wish it ended in May and started up again in August. :) Oh well. We are slowly but surely getting work done on the house, I'll get pictures up here someday. We spent all last weekend painting the living room, foyer area and the upstairs hallway "nook". Last night we did the half bath downstairs and I must say, it all looks quite nice! Just painting has let me feel even more at home here. I really, really love our house! Klondike loves the house, he's finally adjusted to being here. We've even started leaving him out of his crate during the day and so far the only casualty is my pair of summer dress sandals... (fortunately for him they were from Target and starting to wear out anyway!) The pictures are from the weekend at the lake and also our most recent family picture.
You guys look great. Thanks for the update.
cant wait to see the house, that is really great you guys!
Oh, it looks so nice and warm. Looks like fun!
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