Bar results come in a little over 24 hours! Jacob is anxious, but at peace. I wish he would get on here once and a while, but he's not that into blogs. :) Maybe someday... So for that reason, you get to hear from me(Jen) about the matter. I think I speak for both of us when I say that the bar results will bring more than just a right of passage into a career. For 3 years he has worked so hard towards this goal that has finally come! Getting to this point the Lord has taken us places we never thought we'd go, apart or together. Getting the results of this test will bring for us a sense of settled. To this point, our entire married life has been centered around a "what's next" theme. My jobs have been uncertain and varied, we've moved 3 times out of the 2.5 years we've been married, we've wondered and prayed and dreamed of a time when we had an idea of what was to come. We've watched our friends get married and buy houses, able to put down some roots with secure jobs and incomes. It seemed that day for us would be SO far away...
All this has been harder for me than for Jacob because I'm a very "planned" person or "control freak", if you will. (I'm not proud of this and I'm working on it... slowly but surely) I like to know what's next, I like to look forward to things and plan for them (I'm also a little OCD...) and I haven't been able to find anything surrounding our lives to be concrete. It's been full of questions to which we've prayed and prayed and prayed our way through. God has been faithful to us despite my desire for control and longing to be settled. No matter how upset I have been with Him for the questions, He still provided the answers in His time. And as always, it's worked out perfectly according to His plan. We've made it... we're here at the end of this particular journey in our lives and it is filled with hope. Hope and excitement for what is to come in the next year as Jacob gets his career started and we finally settle for a while at least. I am constantly amazed at the way God directs us through things and then at the end, when we look back it all makes sense.
So- beware Friday morning if you hear yells and shouts of joy- don't worry. It's us celebrating this new chapter in our lives that's been a long time coming!
A great reflection. We look forward to shouting with you.
Well? I'm not sure if I heard you shout or not. It's 12:37 Minnesota time so you should have heard by now. How exciting!
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