YAY for Christmas. It's my favorite time of year, not necessarily for the trees and decor (though i do love that stuff) but mostly because it's the one time of year we get to go home and spend quality time with EVERYONE in our family. (and the Jesus' birth thing is pretty important, too..) The bottom picture is Jacob's family a few days before Christmas and above is my family a few days after Christmas. This year was very "untraditional" for both Jacob and I. We alternate spending Christmas Eve/Day in Manchester and Columbia. Last year we were with my family, so this year we were with his. This pattern caused many past traditions to be shifted around. My family has always gone to my Gran's on Christmas Eve.. for as long as i can remember we all gather there, have dinner, open presents, take a million and one pictures by the tree and then we head home for the 11pm church service. This year- well- there was Christmas at Gran's, but on the 26th. And the church service was quite similiar at Jacob's church, just at 6pm instead of 11.
Now on the flip side- Jacob's extended family lives in Alabama so they always venture down there the day after Christmas. Not so this year- We ventured before Christmas and managed to see everyone in just over 24 hours! It was an adventure and fun to see and meet everyone in his family. We also squeezed in an Auburn basketball game to see his brother Garret look snazzy in his suit as the manager.
Above all, this Christmas tradition switcheroo made me realize that it doesn't matter when you see everyone, but that you get to see them. It made the reality that we're adults sink in even more! Jacob's mom made the comment Christmas morning that in a few years it'll be really different- lots of little people running around. That makes me REALLY excited, but also sad to let go of that last little bit of "childhood". Soon, going to grandma's will be going to my parents house or his parents house.. which is crazy to think about! Overall, I'm glad we've shaken things up with traditions. It makes it easier to move on and realize that it's ok to allow new traditions to come through. So, bring it on 2007, it will be quite a year!
amen, sister! Thanks for squeezing me in during your busy break! I know it can be stressful trying to see everyone when they want to see you. I miss you much and can't wait to see you again!
Thanks for posting pics! I am glad to hear your positive spin on adjusting to new "blended" Christmas traditions. I don't like change and it is hard for me to let go of some of mine!
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