Thursday, August 17, 2006

The Familiar

I read a quote once that said "It is not until you return to the familiar, the unchanged, that you realize how much you yourself have grown." I don't remember who said it..someone more famous than I, that's for sure. I think of this a lot when I return home. I'm amazed how much changes and yet, it all stays this familiar, safe place that I remember growing up in. People have grown up, places have received a new look, and it seems that I see things through the eyes of an adult, no longer a child trying to understand the world but it is still that safe place for me.
I'm had the priviledge of getting together with almost everyone of my friends that I've kept up with over the past year. I make it sound like that's so many people.. but really just a few girls including my sister. I realize now more than ever the importance of 'soul friends'. Those people that will be forever connected to your heart and will always be there for you. I'm incredibly blessed by these friends and also because I have a husband who allows me to maintain these friendships and understands how special they are. We'll be heading back to Minnesota in 2 days and as much as I love being with family and old friends it's time to get back to our life and routine.


Anonymous said...

true dat :-)

Anonymous said...

Preach it sister! It's a completely different feeling, but yet one that you know you can go to if you ever feel alone or lost in the world. Amazing how God works!