So I took a few week break but I'm jumping back into the community of Five Minute Friday. Head on over to Lisa Jo Baker's blog to find some inspiring words from people from everywhere!
As I sit here this morning I reflect on my 'here'. I'm here in this world of mothering that seems to have more highs and lows than anything I've done before. I'm waking to sunshine and more groggy than usual because my daughter stretched her night owl wings through the night. I'm here in this world where my every moment is dictated by small humans. My moments are amazing and beautiful or filled with doubt or questioning.
I look out and see the sunshine and the deep green of the grass and I read from Psalm 23 how the Lord lets me lie down in green pastures and I envision what that will look like one day with Him because the green of the grass is one of my favorite parts of spring. And my thoughts are inspired to feel restoration. Here. In the moment with the Lord and the sunshine and my little man in the background chatting busily about steam rollers and mighty machines. My here has taken a long time to accept and fully embrace. My here is right where He wants me to be. So I'll go lie down in the grass and the sunshine with that little chatty voice and just be. Here.