1. I'm getting bigger everyday! Everett Thomas Thorington is now at 33 weeks and it's becoming harder and harder to move around and be comfortable.
2. Christmas time was quite busy for us. We didn't travel far for obvious reasons, but we did make it to Manchester, Mt. Pleasant and Birmingham. Here are some pictures of our families during the holidays.
And last, we both took off work the week after Christmas to get Everett's room started. Here's where we are so far!
It's a work in progress as we get more things that we'll need for him but it feels good to know that if he does come early like his dad (Jacob was 6 weeks early) that we'll be ready for him!
We're right now 33 weeks and I'm ready to meet our little boy. I have moments of "AH!" and moments of awe and excitement.. those are beginning to out number the "AH"'s. :) I keep reminding myself that my impatience and excitement will be met with this little boy soon enough and I'm trying to enjoy every little kick and turn I feel from him. I can't believe we'll be meeting him in just 7 weeks!