"When you come to the edge of all the light you have and you must take a step into the darkness of the unknown, believe that one of two things will happen: either you will be given something solid to stand on or you will be taught how to fly." -unknown-
Friday, April 27, 2007
R.I.P. Henry Fitzgerald
Yes, he passed on this morning. Despite Jacob's best efforts to keep him healthy and happy, Henry just wasn't strong enough to fight whatever fungus he had. Leopold is still strong and happy, however! Henry joins Alvin, Theodore, Simon, Scarlett, Clarance, Thomas and Fiesty in fish heaven... maybe we should consider getting a dog, they're probably a little more hearty!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
New additions....

These are pictures of our fish- Henry Fitzgerald is the dark blue one and Leopold (aka Leo) is the lighter one. We've had Leo for about a year and Henry has only been here for 2 weeks. Henry won't eat, we don't know why but it won't. Jacob even bought little beta tanks for them and he still won't eat. My husband is crazy about these fish... if his fish care is any sign of his future parenting skills, we're gonna have some lucky kids. :)
Friday, April 06, 2007
"When you can't see His hand, trust in His faithfulness."
I've learned over the last few years that there is one constant in life: change. We grow, we mature and we are constantly evolving into who we are meant to be in the Lord, even when we don't understand anything that's going on around us. Jacob and I have been doing a lot of growing in the last week and a half. Lots of things have happened that have given us important pieces to the puzzle that is the next chapter in our lives. For a long time we've struggled and felt pulled between returning to the place where we started or remaining here in the place were we've grown together and established ourselves as a married couple. Both contain huge amounts of blessings. We've prayed, we've worried (more me than Jacob) and we've talked and struggled for the right answer. Not until last week was the message God gave us clear. Through a string of events (my job cut, his class in TN, etc.) we've found a peace from God that He is calling us to return to Tennessee this summer. It's going a hard transition and it's filled with so many emotions than I cannot even begin to process them right now. We're excited to be closer to our families, all of our siblings are getting close to college graduations and have important events in their lives that we will now be able to attend. Our grandparents are getting older and being closer to them we'll be able to see them often in these next few precious years.
Yet, we're also very sad to leave. God has blessed us with AMAZING friends and an AMAZING church family who have indeed been our family for 2 years. I know we will keep in touch, see pictures on blogs of the new babies and the big things happening in their lives and ours. But I cannot tell you how much God has blessed us by placing all of them in our lives and how hard it will be to say goodbye. (I'm going to stop that now, I have a feeling there will be lots of tissue used in the next few months and I currently am at the bottom of a box!)
So there's our big announcement, our answer to months of prayer. In mid-June we will be executing this move to TN. To where exactly- well, we're not sure. Will we have jobs? Well, not really certain about that yet either. Will Jacob pass the bar? Um, we certainly hope so! What we are sure of is that God has provided for us SO abundantly thus far and we know that will not stop. He knows what going on and by taking this step we feel we're being faithful to Him, no matter how much it hurts or causes crazy emotional rollercoasters. So, as the old saying goes, "We don't know what the future holds exactly, but we have hope for we know Who holds the future."
Yet, we're also very sad to leave. God has blessed us with AMAZING friends and an AMAZING church family who have indeed been our family for 2 years. I know we will keep in touch, see pictures on blogs of the new babies and the big things happening in their lives and ours. But I cannot tell you how much God has blessed us by placing all of them in our lives and how hard it will be to say goodbye. (I'm going to stop that now, I have a feeling there will be lots of tissue used in the next few months and I currently am at the bottom of a box!)
So there's our big announcement, our answer to months of prayer. In mid-June we will be executing this move to TN. To where exactly- well, we're not sure. Will we have jobs? Well, not really certain about that yet either. Will Jacob pass the bar? Um, we certainly hope so! What we are sure of is that God has provided for us SO abundantly thus far and we know that will not stop. He knows what going on and by taking this step we feel we're being faithful to Him, no matter how much it hurts or causes crazy emotional rollercoasters. So, as the old saying goes, "We don't know what the future holds exactly, but we have hope for we know Who holds the future."
Sunday, April 01, 2007
SPRING BREAK IS HERE! I've been waiting for weeks and it's finally arrived. This week is going to provide some MUCH needed relaxation, reading time, cleaning time, prayer time and husband time.(not necessarily in that order) Then I can go back next week (Tuesday, not Monday :) ) refreshed and ready for the last 2 concerts of the year and to finish out on a good note. Last week was pretty icky and I started to hit major burn-out teaching. It was all I could do to get up and get there in the morning, the whole time praying for a good attitude and motivation to do my job well. The week I get back I have my 5th grade choir concert. I pray they will not forget it all over break! It's been a challenge teaching choir this year, but one I feel like I've risen to meet. Honestly, i don't like teaching choir, I'd much rather teach band. I started out feeling inadequate, went to apathetic, and then after much prayer decided to meet the challenge head on and beat it. We will see if the my efforts have paid off on Thursday, April 12. The good news about teaching choir is I won't be doing it next year. First of all, they cut choir (to save money..ha) and second of all, I got cut- Friday morning no less. That's what I get for being the low man on the totem pole! While it totally sucks, I know it's just an open door for something else God is doing. It would definitely be nice to know what that might be, but in time it will come. I feel ok about it because my principal is very supportive and said she would like to have me stay- she's said that all along. It's been a good year.. but it ain't over yet. So rest and relaxation here I come and then... who knows. :)
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